When we love ourselves, we find that we have a beautiful life.
A Life of Love Starts with Self-love!
June 2nd, 2016
June 2nd, 2016
On this Step Into Magic Radio Show we have a celebration of self-love. Our listeners join us in sharing their wisdom about the impact that self-love and the connection with their own divinity has brought into their life. When we have cultivated self-love, we create for ourselves a self-actualized life. This is the foundation of our spirituality, our psychic ability and our purpose in life.
Self-love, the Foundation of a Self-actualized Life.
June 9th, 2016
June 9th, 2016
Self Love is a needed step on the path to developing your Psychic and Intuitive Gifts. Self-love is not selfishness; rather, it is embracing our own divine nature, which lets us see the divine in everything. This gives us the foundation that we all need in order to create a self-actualized life.
Showing Up for Love - Being Present for the Beauty You Already Are
February 9th, 2017
February 9th, 2017
When we are in love, everything is right with our world. Our conscious awareness is heightened. Smells, tastes, touches, all if it is so beautiful. It can be so intoxicating that we say we get lost in love, yet love is what really helps us to find ourselves. When we are in love, the truth of who we really are is revealed. How can we sustain this divine connection beyond the honeymoon phase? How can we cultivate the slow long-burning embers that keep us warm our whole life long? Join us as Josephine shares clairvoyant insights and magical formulas for enduring love, enlivened spirituality and… great sex!
How Self-Love Can Lead to a Beautiful Life
May 16th, 2013
May 16th, 2013
On this program Josephine will guide you, through her compassionate and intuitive understanding, to realize that Self Love is the path to developing your Psychic and Intuitive Gifts. She will explain why self love is the foundation that we all need in order to create a self-actualized life. Self-love is not selfishness; rather, it is embracing our own divine nature, which lets us see the divine in everything. When we have cultivated self-love, we are ready to seek guidance from our dreams.
Loving Ourselves, Loving Our Bodies - It All Comes Down to Self-Love
January 26th, 2017
January 26th, 2017
Self love is the silver key and the golden door to our health. When we love ourselves, we love our lives and we surrender our will to our body, mind and spirit's highest good. We relinquish those habits that we know are not good for us and take up the ones that serve us better now. This helps us to step more fully into our divine role. When we become better at listening within, we can more easily listen outside of ourselves. This is why health and healing are so important to our spiritual development, our psychic ability and our true purpose here on earth. Join us as Josephine shares her deep wisdom on this all-important topic, self-love.