Ley-Lines and Power Centers: Relating Energetically with our Planet
December 12th, 2019
Delving deeper into subtle sensings, this week we will take a look at how nature's energies affect us and can bring positive change to our lives. We will take a metaphysical journey from Mt. Shasta in California to the vortexes in Sedonna Arizona then across the pond to the standing stone circles of Stonehenge and Avebury in England. We'll progress onto the lines of stones in Carnac, France and then we will travel back to tiny little fern spring in the Yosemite Valley. Join us this week on Step Into Magic, as we explore our interconnectedness with the energies of the natural world and learn more about Feng shui, ley-lines, power centers, sacred groves and reflecting pools.
Delving deeper into subtle sensings, this week we will take a look at how nature's energies affect us and can bring positive change to our lives. We will take a metaphysical journey from Mt. Shasta in California to the vortexes in Sedonna Arizona then across the pond to the standing stone circles of Stonehenge and Avebury in England. We'll progress onto the lines of stones in Carnac, France and then we will travel back to tiny little fern spring in the Yosemite Valley. Join us this week on Step Into Magic, as we explore our interconnectedness with the energies of the natural world and learn more about Feng shui, ley-lines, power centers, sacred groves and reflecting pools.
Click on the arrow below to attend live on Thursdays at 6:00pm Pacific Time.
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