Rupert Sheldrake is an internationally renowned biologist and author, of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. He was among the top 100 Global Thought Leaders for 2013, as ranked by the Duttweiler Institute, Zurich, Switzerland's leading think tank. Rupert is best known for his hypothesis of morphic fields and morphic resonance. His scientific investigations help us to see our Universe as a living being, with its own inherent memory.
Since 1981, he has continued research on developmental and cell biology. He has also investigated unexplained aspects of animal behavior, including how pigeons find their way home, the telepathic abilities of dogs, cats and other animals, and the apparent abilities of animals to anticipate earthquakes and tsunamis. He subsequently studied similar phenomena in people, including the sense of being stared at, telepathy between mothers and babies, telepathy in connection with telephone calls, and premonitions. Although some of these areas overlap the field of parapsychology, he approaches them as a biologist, and bases his research on natural history and experiments under natural conditions, as opposed to laboratory studies. Recently, Rupert has released a series of tests that you can use to show and develop your own telepathy which can be viewed on Rupert's website. |
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