The Presence of Spirit in Our Lives
We are spirit and spirit is all around us, helping us every step of the way. Synchronicities, chance occurrences, visitations from deceased loved ones, and memories from our connections with those who have loved us can reassure us of the presence of spirit in our lives. In our analytical society, we often forget the magic of everyday existence. But in this class we will help each other remember by focusing on the many opportunities that spirit makes to bridge with us.
“It felt as though the connection just dropped into my crown chakra. It arrived so easily. May others feel enveloped in the trust and comfort that I have.” ~ Candice, Canada
“The whole course was awesome. I would recommend this course to everyone I know. ” ~ Barbara, Central Coast of California
“The whole course was awesome. I would recommend this course to everyone I know. ” ~ Barbara, Central Coast of California