From near death experiences to the presence of spirit guiding our days, we begin to see how we can let go of our sense of separation and embrace each other as one, in love.
Love is all there is: We are spirit and spirit is love.
As we awaken, we come to know the deep presence of spirit in our lives. It is as if a fog has shrouded our vision and suddenly the sun breaks through. In the golden warmth of that love, we see that we are love and that everything around us is love as well. The love of spirit lifts us up. It carries us through. It helps us to know we are whole. Join us as we delve into the unseen reality of the love of spirit that is always surrounding us in every moment of every waking day.
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Everyday Spirituality: Foundational Practices for the Seeker Within
Gratitude, kindness and the Golden Rule, these form the backbone of everyday spirituality. They have been recognized at the heart of all of the world's spiritual traditions. As we let these spiritual practices become habits in our lives, our lives change, always for the better. We deepen our spirituality, we improve our psychic ability and we find our true purpose in life. Join us as we explore the core foundational practices for spiritual growth.
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Stop! In the name of Love
Spiritual Methods for Creating Ourselves Anew
Spiritual Methods for Creating Ourselves Anew
Whatever we believe about ourselves is true. What we believe when we are young is different from what we believe when we are older. Our life journey reflects those differences. By guiding these changes consciously, we can create our lives anew. Like the chrysalis into the butterfly, as we open ourselves to new spiritual heights our soul path takes wing. This increases our psychic ability and we find ourselves in our true purpose as well. Join us as we look at practical guidance to help us train our minds in positive spiritual directions.
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Loving Each Other: The nectar of life lies in sharing and caring.
We are love. Love is why we are here. Life is meant to be shared. Without connections in our lives we feel empty and alone. When we come fully into the present moment, we realize that our sense of separation is an illusion. This lets us embrace our oneness which leads us right back into love. Please tune in with us as we share ideas and exercises that remind us that our hearts are already joined in love.
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Spiritual Rebirth:
Coming and Loving Again ~ Communing Across the Veil
Coming and Loving Again ~ Communing Across the Veil
Modern research into the near death experience shows concretely the presence of consciousness long beyond the time when the brain has been declared dead. There are thousands of well documented cases of little children who could remember and vividly described their most recent past lives. The percentage of widows who admit to communicating with their deceased husbands has been steadily rising since the 1960's. Almost all of us have had some sort of connection at one time or another with someone we have loved who has made their transition into spirit. The mystery is vast. But we do come and love again. Join us for this Halloween/All Hallows Day show as we explore the cycle of life and the illusion of death.
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