As we align ourselves with our higher nature, we can develop our psychic ability and deepen our spirituality.
The Presence of Spirit
We are spirit and spirit is all around us. We are so visually dominant in our sensory awareness that if we can't see something we don't believe it exists. Yet time and again the presence of spirit is made known to us, be it in our dreams or through waking visitations or through Divine benevolence. Spirit continuously steps in to assist us, often saving the day. On this show, we will jump right into the deep end of this unseen reality. We will see how we can open our hearts and minds to the presence of spirit that is all around us, all of the time.
Foundational Practices for a Spiritual Life
There are certain daily practices that have been recognized the world over for leading a spiritual life. For thousands of years, they have been at the heart of all of the world's religions. Gratitude, the Golden Rule and positive thought are a few examples. In this program, Josephine will discuss these and other foundational practices for creating a spiritual life. They are essential for anyone who is wishing to access the deeper realms of psychic ability. They also help to guide us right into our own true purpose.
Creating Ourselves Anew
As we think so we create. In every stage of our lives we are different from who we were before. Why not guide these changes consciously? We can create ourselves anew in ways that embrace who we truly are, spiritual beings having human experiences. Join us as Josephine shares practices that help us to attain our higher natures. Learn how to free yourself to step more fully into a life of love and compassion. Like the chrysalis into the butterfly, we can allow our souls to take wing as we find new spiritual heights in our lives. When we do, we open the doors to our psychic abilities.
The Power of Our Thoughts and Beliefs
Louise Hay says, "Our thoughts control our lives; the only thing that we need to change is our thoughts." We can use this deep insight to transform ourselves spiritually and open ourselves psychically. There are many techniques that we can employ to help us change our minds. Affirmations, habits of positive thought and prayers all work in our favor as we solidify a new spiritual reality. Join Josephine as she discusses the Huna Code and other beliefs that help us to take control of our lives and align ourselves with our Higher Selves. As the Buddha says, "Be a lamp unto yourself."