Just like we can all learn how to play music,
we can all learn how to increase our psychic skills.
we can all learn how to increase our psychic skills.
Opening To Our Psychic Skills For Communicating With Nature
Because we are a part of nature, we are connected to the mind of nature. A Peruvian shaman that I know of said that, "The plants are our doctors; the animals teach us how to get along; and the rocks, having been here so very long, are the wisdom-keepers." We can speak with the rocks, the plants and the animals. All of Nature is willing and waiting to harmonize with us. And it is surprisingly easy for us to commune with the energies of the Earth. All we have to do is open ourselves up more fully to who we already are. Join us this week on Step Into Magic as we explore scyring, divination and communication with the animate and inanimate world around us.
Psychic Ability Is Our Natural Birthright
Lots of us can remember or have flashes of our past lives and many of us experience pre-cognition or foreknowing about future events before they happen. As infants we have a telepathic connection with our mothers and as we grow older we can feel when someone is staring at us. Psychic ability is one of our natural human birthrights. Our minds reach beyond the boundaries of our bodies and our psychic abilities show us that we are all connected. We may all be different, but we are not separtate. As we open up to our interconnectedness, our trust and love helps us to move beyond suffering.
Opening Up To Our Psychic Self
When we move past our cultural fear and bias about our psychic abilities, we find the truth of who we are, a big spirit wrapped around and inside a tiny body. This spirit that is us is all knowing and all pervasive. It gives us access to everything and bathes us in pure love. It is why we are all psychic and we can learn how to open up to this bigger part of our selves. Join us for an enlivening conversation about who you already really are.
Using Psychic Skills At Work And At Home
How much nicer the world would be if we all embraced the use of our psychic skills at work and at home. We could avert danger, stay on the path of our own true purpose and live lives of joy and inspiration. The preeminent physicist, Albert Einstein was all too aware of this. He said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is the faithful servant." He went on to say that we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Join us this week as we discover what it's like to incorporate our psychic skills in our day-to-day lives, and thus increase blessings at home and at work.
Self Love ~ The Foundation Of A Self-Actualized Life
Self love is the foundation of our spirituality, our psychic ability and our purpose in life. Self-love is not selfishness; rather, it is embracing our own divine nature, which lets us see the divine in everything. When we have cultivated self-love, we create for ourselves a self-actualized life. In this show, our listeners join us in sharing their wisdoms about the impact that self-love and the connection with their own divinity has brought into their life.