Our subconscious minds are dutiful and beloved servants within.
Welcome to the Subconscious, Conscious, and Super-concsious Minds
March 3rd, 2016
March 3rd, 2016
Psychology speaks of the three levels of consciousness: the super-conscious, conscious and the subconscious minds. As we become familiar with these various aspects of our being, we learn how to get along better in the world and with each other. We also see that there are no limits to our minds. From this perspective, we can gain full access to our inner guidance so we can better direct the course of our lives, in accordance with our true purpose. In this program, Josephine will explore both modern and ancient understandings of the psyche, focusing on the triple nature of the mind which lets us better embrace our unity consciousness.
The Powerhouse: Awakening to the Dutiful Servant Within
March 10th, 2016
March 10th, 2016
Our subconscious minds are powerhouses of creative potential. As we engage positively and lovingly with this aspect of our psyche, miracles can occur and we can attain our dearest desires. But, when our subconscious minds are left unattended, all too often it's the beliefs and ideas that we adopted from others during our youth that are busy forming our lives. Some of these are good, and some are not so good. So it really helps us to know, not only what's hidden from our conscious awareness, but also how to create any changes that we'd like to see. Join us as we delve into the deeper mysteries of our own subconscious minds.
Loving Nature's Mind and the Right Side of Our Brains
March 17th, 2016
March 17th, 2016
Most of our spiritual qualities are right brain attributes. When we are in our right brains, we are dwelling in the present moment; we see everything as beautiful; we know that the core of our beings is love and we open ourselves to inspiration and intuitive perception. And as well, we are remarkably free from judgement, dwelling in a state of oneness. Interestingly enough, these are qualities that many animals are very good at, especially dogs. They love you no matter what. They know when you are coming home and often what you are thinking. They greet you with joyous enthusiasm, big smiles and kind hearts. They find a sense of oneness and euphoria in your arms. Join us this week, as we delve into the mind of nature and the right side of our own brains.
The Art of Self-Mastery: Harmonizing the Mind
March 24th, 2016
March 24th, 2016
There are many roads that lead to mastery. We can be blessed as children with the environment that promotes our innate genius. Through self discipline and devotion we can cultivate the mind and mannerisms of the master. We can come back from the perils of death. We can enter the right brain and present moment consciousness to open the doors to the interconnectedness of our whole being with everything. Whatever path we take, we find the purpose and joy of our lives unfolding in an orderly way before us. Even in the face of adversity we find an inner calm, knowing that all is well, all of the time. Join me as we explore our own unique pathways for harmonizing the mind.
Let Joy be the Compass for Your Life - Stay in Your Joy
March 31st, 2016
March 31st, 2016
Joy is our natural human condition and it guides us forward on the evolutionary journey of our souls. When we stay in our joy, the path of our lives unfolds brilliantly before us. We all have our unique gifts to give and joy points the way for each of us. Rumi said, “Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” Join us as we learn how to free ourselves to embrace the lives we were meant to live and surrender to our own true service.