Our Sanctuaries and Sacred Places help us to reach for our highest potential in life.
They help us to develop the fullest expression of ourselves.
They help us to develop the fullest expression of ourselves.
A Special Place of Our Own for Gaining Guidance from Within
Ancient peoples have long understood the wisdom of having a place apart from others where we can look within and find our way. Sacred groves, reflecting pools, crystal caves, cathedrals and nowadays even park benches have all served as sanctuaries. We can retreat to the shores of lakes and rivers, climb the high mountains or escape to the shed out back in order to seek the psychic visions that we need to guide our lives. Join us as we enter into the transcendent topic of sanctuary.
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Creating Sacred Space ~ Making an Altar for Yourself
Sacred Space is everywhere. Our bodies and the womb are our first sanctuary. The earth floating in a sea of star-filled space becomes the next. Claiming a quiet place for ourselves is as important as being born. Whenever and wherever we can create sacred space, we become free to do our inner work, gain guidance and receive the inspirations that send us on our way. Join us we go deeper into the topic of the power and importance of sanctuary in our lives.
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Sacred Circles of Women, A New Spirituality Arising
The Women's Spirituality Movement is changing the world. When women meet in circles, in the sanctuary of each other's presence, and share from the deep heart of their experience, the divine feminine awakens and rises within each. As women progressively stand in their power, the dominant, left-brain 'yang' mentality that has so plagued our world gives way to the partnership of the masculine and the feminine in equality. This is the missing piece that allows us, person by person, family by family, community by community, nation by nation, to accept the 'yin' and heal our world.
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Energetic Boundaries ~ Keeping Them Healthy and Clear
When we use our intention for the highest good and truth, we create energetic boundaries. These help to set the parameters for clean and clear growth on a soul level. Our spiritual boundaries are a sanctuary that allow us stay on track with the purpose of our lives. They offer essential protection that keeps us emotionally and physically balanced as we venture forward into explorations of consciousness. Energetic boundaries are a beautiful prerequisite for developing our psychic ability.
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