by Josephine Laing
How would you like to experience a community of individuals all dedicated to developing our human potential? Sounds pretty good doesn't it? Now, what would you say if I told you it was just right up the coast, a short stunningly beautiful two hour drive away? You'd probably say that it sounds pretty good again. But then you might balk, assuming it would be too expensive. But many of us think nothing of hoping on a plane and staying at a hotel and buying three restaurant meals a day for a vacation. And this costs about the same as that, except instead of paying for a plane, you're paying for a seminar, which is wonderful, and taking a short drive to get there. This magical destination that I'm referring to is called The Esalen Institute. And with one or two exceptions, it's the only place where I've taken my vacations for the past twenty years or so. I think it's one of the best kept secrets on the west coast. Many of us have driven by it while tootling up Hwy 1 for a joy ride. We've seen Esalen's demure sign and have maybe even driven down the drive to inquire and been turned away because it's for reservations only and they like to keep the space quiet and private for their seminarians.
Esalen was founded during the sixties by Michael Murphy and Dick Price with the intention of forming a learning organization dedicated to helping humanity expand it's potential. Esalen's early teachers like Aldous Huxley, Abraham Maslow, Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, Ida Rolf, Joseph Campbell, Stanislav Grof and Charlotte Selver are among some of the biggest names in the mind body and human potential and consciousness movements. Today, Judith Orloff, Rupert Sheldrake, Gabrielle Roth, Sam Keen, Marianne Williamson and Houston Smith are all current or recent faculty members and are no less masters in their fields.
Because it is located amidst large tracts of State Forests and Federal Wilderness Areas, Esalen formed with a supporting community on site. Esalen grows much of their own food in their beautiful gardens utilizing the pristine soil and water and air of the Big Sur Coast. There is a 24 hour toast and tea bar available for everyone, with delicious home baked breads, nut butters and fruit spreads. All of the food is prepared in a conscious community kitchen and served in the warm and friendly lodge or out on the deck which has a giant fireplace and majestic views of our coastline. Waves crash and whales pass within view seasonally while dolphins, otters and sea birds cavort off Esalen's shores.
I've taken seminars in world affairs, past life regression therapy, developing psychic ability, shamanic practices, the Science of Ayurveda, Insight Meditation, dream interpretation, raw food living and a dozens other topics. Esalen offers five day or weekend workshops, month long work study programs, scholarships and employment. I've a number of friends who live here in SLO and work part time on staff up there. The cabins, the kitchen, the gardens and farm all employ local folk. And their massage crew boasts some of the best in the world. In fact, Esalen itself is world renowned. Many of the seminarians travel great distances to come to Esalen. It's not uncommon to hear French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or even Norwegian being spoken on the grounds.
Knowing the great effort and expense others go through to travel so far in order to drink from Esalen's well of wisdom, we here in SLO have no excuse not to at least sample some of what they have to offer. And perhaps the easiest way to introduce oneself, which is also the least expensive, is through a personal retreat. These come available just a few days before you would arrive by calling 1(831) 667-3000 or visiting No seminar is included on a personal retreat, just a place to stay, Esalen's wonderful food, her stunningly beautiful grounds including the art barn and children's gazebo, wild beach access and her world class natural hot spring baths.
Did I not mention her hot tubs? Picture this: perched on the cliffs just above the crashing waves and the setting sun, clothing optional, elegant sandstone floored facilities with natural sulfur-free geothermal hot water captured in beautiful round stone lined large pools before spilling over into the sea.
Esalen is an international community where like minded consciousness raising folk visit openly throughout the grounds. And there is even a swimming pool, a geothermal heated bright blue gem surrounded by rolling lawns and the ever present ocean view. The pool is bordered by a Tai Chi deck and massage tables for sunning and for receiving or giving your own massage with a friend. Back at the baths, you can visit the quiet side and watch those phenomenal professional massage therapists at work. You can purchase one for yourself if you'd like or gain inspiration and technique by watching and later explore what you've observed with a partner on one of the available tables by the tubs or the pool.
In the mornings and evenings exercise and meditation classes are offered for no extra cost. But the wine and chocolate you pay for. Have I tempted you yet? I hope so, because Esalen can re-instate our passion for life, and open us up to our joy.
© 2012 Josephine Laing
How would you like to experience a community of individuals all dedicated to developing our human potential? Sounds pretty good doesn't it? Now, what would you say if I told you it was just right up the coast, a short stunningly beautiful two hour drive away? You'd probably say that it sounds pretty good again. But then you might balk, assuming it would be too expensive. But many of us think nothing of hoping on a plane and staying at a hotel and buying three restaurant meals a day for a vacation. And this costs about the same as that, except instead of paying for a plane, you're paying for a seminar, which is wonderful, and taking a short drive to get there. This magical destination that I'm referring to is called The Esalen Institute. And with one or two exceptions, it's the only place where I've taken my vacations for the past twenty years or so. I think it's one of the best kept secrets on the west coast. Many of us have driven by it while tootling up Hwy 1 for a joy ride. We've seen Esalen's demure sign and have maybe even driven down the drive to inquire and been turned away because it's for reservations only and they like to keep the space quiet and private for their seminarians.
Esalen was founded during the sixties by Michael Murphy and Dick Price with the intention of forming a learning organization dedicated to helping humanity expand it's potential. Esalen's early teachers like Aldous Huxley, Abraham Maslow, Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, Ida Rolf, Joseph Campbell, Stanislav Grof and Charlotte Selver are among some of the biggest names in the mind body and human potential and consciousness movements. Today, Judith Orloff, Rupert Sheldrake, Gabrielle Roth, Sam Keen, Marianne Williamson and Houston Smith are all current or recent faculty members and are no less masters in their fields.
Because it is located amidst large tracts of State Forests and Federal Wilderness Areas, Esalen formed with a supporting community on site. Esalen grows much of their own food in their beautiful gardens utilizing the pristine soil and water and air of the Big Sur Coast. There is a 24 hour toast and tea bar available for everyone, with delicious home baked breads, nut butters and fruit spreads. All of the food is prepared in a conscious community kitchen and served in the warm and friendly lodge or out on the deck which has a giant fireplace and majestic views of our coastline. Waves crash and whales pass within view seasonally while dolphins, otters and sea birds cavort off Esalen's shores.
I've taken seminars in world affairs, past life regression therapy, developing psychic ability, shamanic practices, the Science of Ayurveda, Insight Meditation, dream interpretation, raw food living and a dozens other topics. Esalen offers five day or weekend workshops, month long work study programs, scholarships and employment. I've a number of friends who live here in SLO and work part time on staff up there. The cabins, the kitchen, the gardens and farm all employ local folk. And their massage crew boasts some of the best in the world. In fact, Esalen itself is world renowned. Many of the seminarians travel great distances to come to Esalen. It's not uncommon to hear French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or even Norwegian being spoken on the grounds.
Knowing the great effort and expense others go through to travel so far in order to drink from Esalen's well of wisdom, we here in SLO have no excuse not to at least sample some of what they have to offer. And perhaps the easiest way to introduce oneself, which is also the least expensive, is through a personal retreat. These come available just a few days before you would arrive by calling 1(831) 667-3000 or visiting No seminar is included on a personal retreat, just a place to stay, Esalen's wonderful food, her stunningly beautiful grounds including the art barn and children's gazebo, wild beach access and her world class natural hot spring baths.
Did I not mention her hot tubs? Picture this: perched on the cliffs just above the crashing waves and the setting sun, clothing optional, elegant sandstone floored facilities with natural sulfur-free geothermal hot water captured in beautiful round stone lined large pools before spilling over into the sea.
Esalen is an international community where like minded consciousness raising folk visit openly throughout the grounds. And there is even a swimming pool, a geothermal heated bright blue gem surrounded by rolling lawns and the ever present ocean view. The pool is bordered by a Tai Chi deck and massage tables for sunning and for receiving or giving your own massage with a friend. Back at the baths, you can visit the quiet side and watch those phenomenal professional massage therapists at work. You can purchase one for yourself if you'd like or gain inspiration and technique by watching and later explore what you've observed with a partner on one of the available tables by the tubs or the pool.
In the mornings and evenings exercise and meditation classes are offered for no extra cost. But the wine and chocolate you pay for. Have I tempted you yet? I hope so, because Esalen can re-instate our passion for life, and open us up to our joy.
© 2012 Josephine Laing