We all need a place where we can find peace and tend to our inner growth.
The Importance of Sanctuary
For thousands of years, spiritual seekers have sought out sacred groves, reflecting pools and crystal caves. They understood the need for a special place where they could receive psychic visions. This wisdom has largely been forgotten in modern times. Yet, a place of sanctuary is essential if we are seeking our deepest inspiration and the guidance to achieve it. Please join us this week on Step Into Magic as we explore the importance and the need for Sanctuary.
Creating Altars and Sacred Space
A sanctuary is a place where we can listen within and find our true self. When we are in our sanctuary, we can focus on self-growth. We can lick our wounds and recover from our emotional injuries. We can remember our joy and learn to love ourselves exactly as we are. Join us for this exploration on the importance of having a sanctuary in our lives.
Sacred Circles and the Women's Spirituality Movement
Like circular ripples in a pond spreading ever outward, small groups of women the world round are coming together to create sacred space and a new, inclusive spirituality. Josephine will discuss this growing movement and its repercussions for our greater collective human growth. Join us this week on Step Into Magic and discover how and why the sanctuary of small women’s circles are changing the world.
Good Boundaries ~ "Only That Which Is Mine To Do."
Safe spiritual boundaries give us protection while we venture into explorations of consciousness. They also help us to keep on track with our purpose in our lives. Our sanctuaries help to give us these good boundaries and they allow us to keep ourselves emotionally and physically healthy and clear. As Rumi said, "Listen, make a way for yourself inside yourself.
"Know Thyself"
The people of ancient Delphi had inscribed in stone over their city-gates the words, "Know Thyself." This wisdom still holds true today, and it is why our personal sanctuary plays such a primary role in our lives. When we spent quality time, alone with our thoughts, we can discover who we are at our innermost core. Join us for an enlightening look at our deepest beliefs, where they come from and where they lead us.